Microelectronics & VLSI Design

Industry Affiliate Program

Genesis: The biggest need of industry from academic institutions is well trained engineers and knowledge sharing. Still, when industry invest a lot on a new hire in terms of required skill training and the wait period during the training period, there is no certainty on the performance and delivery of the hired engineer. The effort and cost increase further in training engineers in niche areas, which are often not in the curriculum of a master’s program. The question is can this be addressed by academic programs and what industry need to do to support an industry focused training program.    


  1. The key goal of this program is to train master’s students for semiconductor industry needs.
  2. Through this program the idea is to involve industry from the beginning to get involved in a customised trained manpower needs of individual semiconductor industry.
  3. To use this program as a vehicle to improve engagement between IISc Microelectronics & VLSI Design/VLSI faculties and industry leaders.
  4. To offer open training to Industry affiliates and access to our group’s research.     


  1. Industry sponsors a certain number of M-tech seats for a given number of sub-sequent batches. Our M-Tech is a 2 year program and we hire a fresh batch each year. Industry decides who the students are from our selected intake.
  2. Industry sponsoring M-Tech students can define their M-tech project. Students are free to spend time at the industry site. If the project requires, they can spend most of their time at the industry site. Each project will have a faculty mentor too.
  3. Industry sponsoring M-Tech students gets a direct access to students from day one. This allows industry to access the capability of students and define what they should be trained on (through project) – as far as direct/hands-on skills are required for industrial needs.
  4. All affiliate members sponsoring M-Tech students get priority to hire our M-Tech students given competitive offer made to students.
  5. Team of Engineers from affiliate industry member can interact (once in six month) with Microelectronics & VLSI Design/VLSI design core faculties, who are the mentors of industry defined project at a mutually convenient time. 
  6. Engineers (up to 10) from affiliate members can attend Microelectronics & VLSI Design/VLSI design program’s core course lectures / course labs.
  7. All affiliate members (up to 20 engineers) get access to all educational events hosted by Microelectronics & VLSI Design/VLSI design core group. This includes cooperation with IEEE local chapters (like EDS and SSCS) to strengthen interaction with international researchers with local industry through IISc. Industry named distinguished lectures and invited talks by international speakers.
  8. Priority workshops / training programs and crash courses for affiliate members (paid separately)
  9. Priority interaction with faculties to explore research collaborations and formulations of R&D projects (funded separately)
  10. Free access to PhD research through annual student seminars and PhD colloquiums. Up to 20 engineers from an industry affiliate can attend.
  11. Privileged access and availability of core faculty members time for Industry – Faculty meet (twice a year), which is between core faculty members and industry leaders to understand industry requirements, formulate long term projects and bridge gap between industry and academia.

What it involves:

Per Student Sponsorship Fee: 12 Lakhs + GST – if applicable (2 years cost which includes students’ fees, HRA, other expenses in their training). This is to cover expenses involved in points 1 – 4 above.

Affiliate Membership Fee: 5 Lakhs per year + GST – if applicable (this is to become an affiliate members, which offers point 5 – 11 listed above)